Keep your website up to date, completely secure, receive immediate support, and get peace of mind delivered every single month with a Maintenance Plan. No long term contract required. Cancel anytime.
Support time does not roll over. Phone support time does not apply to content management, design, or development work. A 20% discount will be applied to any work done not included in a Maintenance Plan.

What's Included?
WordPress Updates
Never be afraid to update WordPress or any of your plugins again. We’ll take care of it for you and roll back to a working version, should something go awry with the upgrade.
Speed Optimization
We’ll ensure your site loads lickety-split and stays lightning fast, 24x7x365!
Worry-free Security
We’ll monitor your site 24×7 to look for anything malicious. Should that ever happen, we’ll fix it so fast you won’t even know about it!
Content Management
You’re busy. Don’t worry about posting content to your site, just send it to us and we’ll handle it for you!
Update Reports
You’ll receive reports of exactly everything we’ve done for you: security updates, content posted, WordPress secured, plugins updated. Everything we do, you’ll know about so you’re aware of your ROI.
Never worry about losing an image or piece of content again. Our automated backups will copy your site to Google Drive or Dropbox, securely, so your content is always safe!
20% Discount
If you’re subscribed to any of our Maintenance Plans, you receive a 20% discount on any work that we do that isn’t covered in your plan. Full site redesign? Build a mobile site? Launch another business? 20% off on all of it.
Amazing Support
You need help with anything and we’re there for you. If we’re awake, we’re there to help. We don’t have “support hours” or scheduled meetings. If you need help, just call, email, or live chat and we’re there to help you!
Premium Plugins
Enhance the functionality of your site with Premium WordPress plugins. We’ve got licenses to most of the good ones and will procure any plugin you want for you, free of charge!